
A jQuery plugin that help you bring slideshow into your web pages. First just simple then it will be grow and become bigger. Join if you interested!

Slider #1 Basic Usage (Included HTML5 Video Slide)


Slider #2 Custom Usage

	    slideEffect  : "random",
	    visiTime     : 6000,
	    autoPlay     : false,
	    width        : "600px",
	    height       : "340px",
	    photoCaption : true,
	    visiProgress : true,
	    noCopy       : true,
	    hideControl  : "hover",
	    navType      : "line",
	    oaded        : function (curSlide) {
	    pressPlay    : function (curSlide) {
	                        console.log('Pressed Play button...!');
	    pressPause   : function (curSlide) {
	                        console.log('Pressed Pause button...!');

Slider #3 Preview Thumbnail Usage

	    slideEffect  : "random",
	    autoPlay     : false,
	    width        : "600px",
	    height       : "340px",
	    dirType      : "preview",

Getting Started


Download and extract your file then copy the "jlider" folder to your site folder.

Next!.. Drop this code right above your main stylesheet tag, in order to custom style for your slider:
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="jlider/jlider.css"/>
Then drop this code right after your jQuery library tag:
<script type="text/javascript" src="jlider/jlider.min.js"></script>

Usage script:

Your usage script should be place after the tag above:

<script type="text/javascript">

Basic template:

<ul class="jlider" id="yourSelector">
    <li><img src="path/to/image/1.jpg" alt="Photo caption content goes here" title="Your Image Title 1"/></li>
    <li><img src="path/to/image/2.jpg" alt="Your alt" title="Your Image Title 2"/></li>
    <li><img src="path/to/image/3.jpg" title="Your Image Title 3" poster="path/to/thumbnail.jpg"/></li>
    <li><video poster="path/to/video_thumbnail.jpg"><source src="path/to/video.ogv" type="video/ogg"/><source src="path/to/video.mp4" type="video/mp4" />Your browser does not support HTML5 video.</video></li>
    <!-- And more images -->


Property Type Default value Description
slideEffect string fade Single slide effect.
Values: [fade | slide | scaleIn | scaleOut | random]
viewEffect string no Slide viewing effects.
Values: [no | scaleIn | scaleOut]
visiTime number 4000 Time between a slide(ms).
visiProgress boolean false Show progress bar.
autoPlay boolean fade Auto play slider
width string 600px Slider width (pixel or percent).
height string 380px Slider height (pixel or percent).
ratio string no Slider ratio.
Values: [no | 4:3 | 16:9 | X:Y]
responsive boolean false Turn on responsive view for slider
photoCaption boolean false Turn on text caption for slide
noCopy boolean false Avoid people to save your photos.
hideControl string visible Control buttons style.
Values: [visible | hover | hide]
dirType string arrow Navigation button type.
Values: [arrow | preview]
fullScreen boolean fade Allow fullscreen in your slider.
navType string dot Navigation button type.
Values: [line | dot | number]
hoverPause boolean false Pause slide when hover slider
Loaded function function (curSlide) {} Custom functions after all photos loaded.
pressPlay function function (curSlide) {} Custom functions after press Play.
pressPause function function (curSlide) {} Custom functions after press Pause.
pressNext function function (curSlide) {} Custom functions after press Next.
pressPrev function function (curSlide) {} Custom functions after press Prev.
beforeSlide function function (curSlide) {} Custom functions before a slide.
afterSlide function function (curSlide) {} Custom functions after a slide.
goFullscreen function function (curSlide) {} Custom functions after enter fullscreen.
outFullscreen function function (curSlide) {} Custom functions after exit fullscreen.
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